4.03/5 (227 votes).
Customization and coloring options for 3D Touch views. Add custom images from your camera roll as the background behind 3D Touch views, add a colored blur instead of background image, or custom blur the BG image.. Custom color the menu, border(s), and text, customize text and image placement, reverse the order of the 3D touch menu, make the menus larger in portrait and landscape, and many other options coming soon.
Compatible with Peek-A-Boo for devices without 3D touch. NOT compatible with A12 devices lacking 3D touch natively (iPhone Xr) unless Peek-A-Boo is updated.
Works on all devices including A12 that have 3D Touch, iOS 11.0-12.4 Also works with Peek-A-Boo for supported iOS versions of that tweak.
This tweak is a stable “beta”, but the price reflects that it is not done. Will charge more once all options I plan on adding are done. By purchasing it while at the reduced price, all updates will be free, so you will get the more expensive tweak for a discounted price by buying while still in beta.
0.2- Fixed a verticle sizing issue for apps with barely any actions, or tweaks with too many. Also adjusted the larger menus for both landscape and portrait. They are now sized appropriately based on number of actions.
Got rid of the need to use a background color in order to add a colored border. Some “under the hood” cleanup and optimizations, preparing to add some cool new features soon. Increased version to 0.2 since my test device was up to build 0.1-65, lol.
0.01-31 Added button to enable/ disable background color while still showing text color. Added beta feature of full width (wider) menu’s, so apps like Spotify don’t get cut off. Will improve this option shortly, for better compatibility with Tweaks that add more 3D Touch options. The full-width option is off by default, and can be enabled/ disabled without a respring.
0.0.1-30 Added option to hide the separators in the 3D touch menu. Also added a new slider, separating control of how much blur is applied behind it, and how much color is in the blur. The color can now also be used in blurring the background images. Looks neat combining the color blur with a photo, like adding custom FX. Custom image inside the menu coming soon.
0.0.1-29 Added a custom image background, that can be added from camera roll. Also can adjust blur on it from no blur to totally blurred. Added libimagepicker to depends.
83.16 KB
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