3.91/5 (309 votes).
Custom set a color for that X bar to look good everywhere, custom color the flashlight on button, hide flashlight, camera or both on lockscreen for iPhone X, hide the X bar, and color Control Center for all devices. Will be adding a lot more options soon. This is an early beta. iOS 11-13.x
The Control Center options and a few others work on iOS 14+, but some need updated. It's safe to install and use on iOS 14 though, the options that broke don't do anything.
NOW A12+ COMPATIBLE., and iOS 14...
v0.1.5-2 Preliminary support for iOS 13 and checkra1n.
This update is mainly for iOS 13. I will have lots of improvements once I ditch libcolorpicker and go with CSColorPicker. If you are on iOS 13 and it doesn't install correct version of libcolorpicker, open NewTerm2, log in by typing su, then alpine (or whatever passcode you should have used to change it by now). Then type apt-get install -f "org.thebigboos.libcolorpicker" (enter) The color pickers should now be working, until I improve them for a nicer model. CC is a little quirky, made this update half asleep. Looks best on iOS 11+12 for now. (Big improvements for all iOS versions coming soon)
V0.1.3 Re-arranged settings to be easier to understand. Also removed a corner radius hook on the CC buttons to allow for compatibility with Stylish11’s Round/Square UI features and Cornuicopia’s custom round or square UI + custom CC button corner radius.
V0.1.2-5 Changed some settings around to be easier to understand, and changed logic for hiding X bar so it still works if you accidentally leave on the bar color/ pill color. Small update.
V0.1.2-3 Added tons more CC coloring options, (many more on the way-I actually disabled some I had added to start getting ready for coloring each individual button custom colors), added hide X bar option (grabber coming soon), still an early beta, need to optimize settings, but you can make CC and LS look pretty neat now. If you have Stylish11 or Cornuicopia’s Square/ Round UI options on, some buttons may not be rounded correctly. Will work on adding compatibility in future update.
V0.1.2-1 Updated for A12 users.
V0.1.0-7 Changed settings appearance so it is easier to understand the slider is for the border width. Still not A12 compatible, but will add to GitHub soon and try to find someone to compile for me.
V0.1.0-5 Added Hide X Stuff options- now you can hide camera, flashlight or both on lockscreen for iPhone X.
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