NoLockScreenCam - 1.0.5-2


3.86/5 (150 votes).

  • NoLockScreenCam - 1.0.5-2
  • NoLockScreenCam - 1.0.5-2


Options to disable access to camera and photos from the lockscreen. Tested and working iOS 7-14.2 Updated to remove the camera button on iPhone X that appears on lock screen when tweak is enabled.  That part of tweak requires respring, the rest of it and for all other devices should update instantly without respring.

UPDATED FOR A12 Devices!


V1.0.5-2 Updated for A12. Checked it still works on iOS 10 and 11, hopefully older versions still work too. I changed SDK to 11.2 so if you are on real old device don’t update it might have broke. Will test on my legacy devices later.

V1.0.4-4 Added couple things to settings. Changed settings default to off, to match tweak defaults. (Before “on” button was on after install, and you had to toggle it once to actually turn it on.  Now with off as default as soon as you turn on, it’s on. Didn’t notice old default was falsely set to “on”.

V1.0.4-2 Added iPhone X support for the button that only appears on those devices. It requires a respring for the button, the rest of tweak is instant still. (Slide for camera, control center camera access, etc)

V1.0.3-6 Fix for iOS 7. Requires a respring to fully work. All other  firmwares work without needing respring.


Changed to user defaults so settings update instantly, no need for any resprings. Only tested on iOS 10 and 11.3.1 but should still work from iOS 7-11.x.....will be updating BigBoss soon after testing lower iOS versions but anyone who had trouble getting this to work on 11, it’s flawless now. Just hit “Enable” and it’s on. Turn off “Enable” and the slide to take pictures/ lockscreen control center access is available without password.




77.90 KB

iOS 7, iOS 8, iOS 9, iOS 10, iOS 11, iOS 12, iOS 13, iOS 14



  • Cydia

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