3.90/5 (308 votes).
Sneak a peak of your homescreen from the Lockscreen by tapping or swiping up from the the bottom, or peak on a video playing in the background, check the last used app, endless options to sneak a peak of your open device from the Lockscreen. Has options to individually hide the date view, the blur view, the camera button, the flashlight button, the notifications, page dots, the lock, and more. Works on all iPhones including the latest models from iOS 11.-14.3
Very smooth experience for me on iOS 14.2 iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 7+, iOS 13.5 iPhone X, iOS 11.3.1 iPhone 8+, 12.4 iPhone X and XR, and iPhone 7+ on 13.2.3....Should work on iPad too I just haven’t tried it yet.
V0.0.3-1 Updated "hide page dots" (didn't realize it wasn't working because I had them hidden with another one of my tweaks). Also updated the "compact date view" which I also didn't realize wasn't working on 14.2 arm64e since it was turned on in LegiBilly12 and was working there. Just wanted to add these 2 minor fixes so each feature should work without needing a separate tweak. Still working on a big update of FolderController14- don't get discouraged by the work on free tweaks. Trust me I'm putting in a ton of work, this was just quicker to share.
V0.0.3 Fixed ability to hide the quick action buttons for iPhone X's on iOS 14, and made a few other updates and improvements after testing on a 12 Pro Max.
V0.02-3 Fixed a few iPhoneX specific conditionals that accidentally always hid the flashlight and X bar. Now they are only hidden when enabled, as would be expected. Sorry for the small bug. I normally test a little more thoroughly before uploading, and I only tested that it hid them, forgot to make sure they re-appear when not enabled.
V0.0.2-2 Added more iPhone X type things to hide on Lockscreen, including camera and flashlight buttons, and the X bar that swipes up and down. The bar is hidden on homescreen and from apps as well. Added iOS 11 compatibility.
V0.0.2-1 Fixed notificaciones on iOS 13. Added iPhone X lock and page dots as things to hide. Added an icon for the tweak’s settings. Added show time in status bar for Non-X devices. (Beta feature)
Overall a cleaner look and feel for iOS 13 and iPhone X especially but also for other devices and firmwares.
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