Snoverlay Customizer
3.79/5 (268 votes).
Options to customize Snoverlay tweak by leftyfl1p and RPetrich. Interim tweak to use while working on adding these options to original tweak on GitHub. A12 support added to the customizer now, and my fork of Snoverlay on GitHub.
This package is just a tool to adjust number of snowflakes, animation speed, size of snowflakes, etc. more options coming soon, and hopefully eventually will be integrated into Snoverlay.
This tweak works on all devices and iOS versions from 7-13.2.2, and includes a link in settings to download my fork which updates Snoverlay for A12.
Snoverlay was written by R Petrich and updated by leftyfl1p.
Source code for this tweak can be found here:
V1.0.3 Added A12 compatibility, re-wrote settings for better efficiency (changed to user defaults), added link to my fork of Snoverlay with A12 Deb file for that tweak there. Added link to this source code in settings as well at the request of a user/ aspiring developer and added tons of comments for how it works..
Previous version:
Reduced file size, and removed extra icons from resources that were going to be used to replace snowflakes. Working with Snoverlay dev (leftyfl1p) to add these options and more to original tweak, so am not going to release this customizer to BigBoss. For now options exclusively available here in the beta repo.
370.56 KB
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