4.05/5 (503 votes).
A colorfully random way to customize the look and feel of your device. New options and compatibility for all iOS 11.0+ users.(Some features will get updated soon. This is a small update fixing a few things for iOS 14, and adding a couple new features, but there's still a few options left to fix for 13+14)
Sliders for dock offscreen fraction/height, color strength+opacity, custom colored dock, custom page dot placement in (or outside open)folders, add a background color to page dots, custom colored dark (or bright) spotlight, open and closed folder options to hide icons, icon labels, badges, accessories, add custom picked or random colored highlights and/or icon labels. Add colored text on LS, CC, Spotlight, and Notifications. Square the edges of Control Center buttons and modules, widgets and notifications, or make them rounded. Skip screenshot previews, disable screenshots and more, over 40+ features.
Tested on iOS 14.2 iPhone 7+ (this is a preliminary update) also iOS 13.5 iPhoneX and iPad 13.7, 13.2.3 iPhone 7+, iOS 12.4 iPhoneX, iOS 12.4 iPhone XR, iOS 11.3.1 iPhone 8+, iOS 11.1.2 iPhone 6+. Works on all devices. A few features are still in need of updating for iOS 13, and some improvements to the random color algorithms need to be made, but most broken featuress from iOS 13 are now fixed.A few features need fixed on 14, but some new ones have been added as well.
The cool colored, glowing theme is Folds, available here: https://repo.packix.com/package/com.lazynagy.folds
(Other theme’s in screenshots are Limelight folders, and Whiskey theme.)
V1.0.9-b15 Small update separating the new page dot backgrounds so it has it's own switch to turn on and separate color from the spotlight color. The page dot backgrounds work on lower iOS versions but don't look as nice as on iOS 14, so I will work on trying to port that style to lower iOS versions while still fixing other nuances I've missed over the long time neglecting this tweak, lol.
V1.0.9-b14 Fixed hide page dots not working on iOS 14. Added custom background blur color for "dark spotlight". (On iOS 14 this color will also add a cool background color to the page indicator dots if not hidden. Possibly on 13 as well, I haven't tested that yet on 13, but the spotlight color should work on all iOS versions and devices. I'll make it a separate option in a future update with separate colors for each. I just liked how it looked on 14 and added it as one combined option for now.(Spotlight blur color is the same color as the page indicator dot's background buttons).
V1.0.9-b13 Added new feature to change y offset of page dots in open folders, updated "accessory free" option to hide all accessories (the dots from new apps, badges, etc). A few slipped through on iOS 13.4.1. I still have some work to do with folder coloring, but not needed if you have FolderControllerXIII or FCXII. Most options working well on iOS 13 now, all versions and devices. Note: this update breaks Tech Support- I don't know why CepheiPrefs suddenly stopped working for their support framework, but I will be fixing this soon by making a custom support controller. If you want or need help just email through Cydia or DM on Twitter @BrianVS I respond to Tech Support emails and DM's for all my tweaks, free or paid.
V1.0.9-b4 Added corner radius to floating dock background color so it doesn’t stick out past the bounds of the floating dock. Tested on FloatingDock tweak don’t have real floating dock to test with but working good on iOS 13 for me, should be good on other iOS versions.
V1.0.9-b3 Actually fixed “hide icon labels” (this time) that kept reappearing in random places after hiding them. Made another option more consistent in updating universally. Hopefully fixed the TechSupport/ About page. If it doesn’t work for you on iOS 13 there is a new version in Revulate repo that should work. Https://revulate.dev Just install all the packages from there. (Harmony is the only one that isn’t needed)
V1.0.9-1 Too many fixes to list, lol. Mainly iOS 13 fixes for no jittering, dock height/offscreen fraction, highlights not working fixed for iOS 13, hide badges fix for iOS 13, better hide labels for all iOS versions, worked on optimizing the assigning of random colors, will be comparing them to highlights and/or background in future update to have bright randoms on dark colors and vice versa. Made about 20 different builds and decided I’m done with this tweak for today. Pretty much the only thing not fixed for iOS 13 is the random Spotlight colors.
Added support for A12 devices.
Fixed “skip screenshot preview” not working on iOS 12. It requires respring to turn on or off, but now works as intended on both iOS 11 and 12.
V1.0.6-10 Added dark mode for spotlight/ search. Fixed broken Lockscreen coloring in iOS 12. Only feature not working on 12 now should be the “skip screenshot preview”, which does still work on 11.0-11.4.
Added option to have normal colored folders(not square), mainly for people that don’t use a theme with folders, so it stays within the frame of the folder. Also added another colorpicker for UIlabels all throughout SpringBoard. Instead of random can pick color for Spotlight, Header of notifications and number of additional ones, LS and CC media player, nd lots of other places.
Added support for coloring FloatyDock tweak, and the opacity of it’s color. Added new color pickers for folders and open folders so dock and folder don’t have to be same color anymore. They all share the same slider tho for opacity. Think it’s convenient to just use one for that. Tweak now has 44 buttons, colorpickers and sliders. Please consider a donation if you like this release. (And have PayPal). Have a request or issue? There’s an “email tech support” page on the About page. Feel free to use it and it’ll show me your settings and iOS version so I can help you quicker.
Added custom folder background colors compatible with or without theme masks. Colors open folders now as well. For ultimate folder opening experience use with other options in FolderControllerXI in this same repo.
Added color picker for highlight color, while still keeping the clear-ish and random options available. With custom highlight colors it makes the icon text color look so much better if you use the right one. No need to respring while experimenting just pick color, adjust the alpha slider a little and it’ll update both immediately.
Changed all settings to user defaults so they work better and many more update without respring.
Added color pickers for custom Dock Color, custom icon color, and custom lockscreen text color. Pickers used from CreatureSurvive’s libCSColorPicker.
If you have BigBoss version of this installed you’ll have to uninstall that b4 installing this version.
Note: some options may partially conflict with Snowboard tweak, but most work fine. If it conflicts it just doesn’t work- it won’t crash or cause problems.
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